Sunday, March 22, 2009


Write up on Advocacy
On 5th of March we had been taught advocacy by Usharani from KHPT in the morning session and in the afternoon Dr. Dabade engaged the class.
Both of them explained well about the advocacy and I came to know the importance of advocacy in today’s society. Advocacy means “A set of targeted actions in support of a cause or an issue, because one wants to build support for that cause or issue, influence others to support it; or try to influence or change legislation that affects it.”
I understood the steps that included in advocacy are, selecting the objective, identifying the audience, support groups, developing and the delivering the message, marketing persuasive presentation, fund raising and evaluating the process.
Difference between Lobbying and advocacy Lobbying is a small part of advocacy. Most lobbying efforts are only successful when they are coupled with many other advocacy activities.
Advocacy campaigns have many aims and purposes. Sensitizing the public or decision makers on a specific issue.Persuading or influencing decision-makers in a certain direction.Change legislation or work processes that negatively affect the organization’s members or beneficiaries.Provide a solution to a problem that affects the organizations members / beneficiaries.Expose a problem that needs to be addressed by others.Defend a right or a benefit.
The elements of advocacy
Coalition that is uniting the people, power of advocacy that is people supporting to it, objective should be need based, proper data itself can be worth, audience, message, fund raising and presentation. we can go through with these components in advocacy.
In the afternoon we have been divided into 3 groups and discussed on a particular topic and presented in the class.

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